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Why I am an ÖAG member!

Gudrun Ostermayer

When I first came in touch with the AAS I was joining a class for English - conversation in 1985 because I realized my shrinking language- knowledge which I had from a one year stay in Connecticut in 1972. Then lifechanging things happend and I was too busy to be a member of the AAS. But now, being retired and living a settled life I appreciate very much, having found a social club with the possibility to meet people with american and english affinity and gladly join activities organized by Maria Ganauser for the members of the AAS.

Gudrun Ostermayer

Charles Geiger

„Building and maintaining cultural and personal bridges, especially in times of great change“

Charles Geiger

Gerald Gießwein

I became a member of the Austro-American Society because I had leading positions in Austrian subsidiaries of American companies (General Motors and Chrysler), where I became familiar with the American way of thinking and doing business. Moreover I appreciate to meet interesting personalities in our society and to be invited to many special events.

Gerald Gießwein

Helfried Hitsch

Ich habe 2 Saisonen in einem Schiresort im Osten der USA gearbeitet und anschließend mit dem Camper eine 3-monatige Rundreise durch die Vereinigten Staaten genossen - seither fühle ich mich mit dem Land verbunden und denke gerne an diese schöne Zeit zurück.

Helfried Hitsch

Marty Gezek

I have been a member of the Austro-American Society for fifty years. As an American living in Salzburg, I have profited over the decades in numerous ways from my membership in the AAS. Numerous events I have attended have been not only interesting, educational, but also fun! Plus, through the Austro-American Society I have met some wonderful individuals who have become good friends.

Best wishes, Marty Gezek

Dr. Irma Trattner

I've always had a connection to the Austro-American society through the stories of my deceased husband regarding the CARE program. As a small child he found his first „chocolate“ in a CARE-package. Chocolate remained for him until his death something "from the sky brought down.

Dr. Irma Trattner

Erika Heinisch

Weil es Spaß macht, immer wieder neue Menschen kennen zu lernen und dabei sein Englisch verbessern kann, außerdem ist das Kulturprogramm sehr vielseitig und kommunikativ, man erfährt mehr über Land und Leute!

Erika Heinisch

Mag. Loretta Lichtmannegger

I became acquainted with the society when I was asked to teach English courses there in the late 70s. The opportunity to exchange opinions and cultural traditions, as well as to eliminate false beliefs and prejudice, is positive for both countries. Our program allows Americans away from home to take part in such traditional annual events as Thanksgiving and the 4th of July celebration, while giving Austrians insight into and understanding of American culture and providing a basis to form inter-cultural friendships.

Mag. Loretta Lichtmannegger

Dr. Monika Kalista

Im aufnahmebereiten Alter von 16 Jahren verbrachte ich drei unvergessliche Monate in den USA. Sie begründeten meine Zuneigung zu diesem großen Land und seinen Menschen, die mir herzliche Gastfreundschaft boten, und mein bleibendes Interesse an seiner wichtigen Rolle in der Welt. Daher griff ich in Salzburg begeistert auf das Angebot gemeinsamer Erlebnisse von Amerikanern und Österreichern!

HR Dr. Monika Kalista

Amy Lett

I very much enjoy American holidays with ÖAG, because it's an energetic mix of Zuhause, Austian-style. And I enjoy verbalized Austausch, noting cultural differences. I think the organization does a great job of offering relevant, intellectual, and social events. I appreciate opportunities to attend ÖAG events.

Amy Lett

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